Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Picks of the tweets … 001

Today (or maybe everyday, this is a first so who knows) I found and enjoyed:


(Collin Van Uden) tweeted: @stilgherrian No, *it's* factual. "Everything" is SATISfactual. And here I thought you were a fan of good research.

While we're on a philosophy kick, how about a round of

What's 'the most important thing?'

At that moment, in that conversation it was for

(rob harris) : @marcmcgowan84 But your readers read him in your paper before they heard from him elsewhere. That's the most important thing.

These tweets were found because I set up some librarianesque social media monitoring following examples by Andy Burkhardt.

I also found a new way to enter images by using the Compfight WordPress plugin which searches CC licensed images at Flickr and then inserts with a button.  It is not yet perfect, but it might beat what I was doing before. Nevertheless, for the record, downsides:

  • the thumbnails are too small to see whether I really want that image;
  • when I want to use an image both in the post and featured I have to repeat the steps;
  • I haven't worked out how to get it to caption satisfactorily.

Part of my Wordpress→Blogger journey, this post transferred Jan-Feb 2021 in republication of my 14 August 2012 post at my experimental self-hosted Wordpress.

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1. You can use some HTML tags, such as <b>, <i>, <a>

2. Apparently blogspot requires that we allow third party cookies for the darn feature to work. Sorry, nothing I can do about it - Google will lead you to instructions.

3. I don't generally post on contentious issues so I don't expect problems.
However, I will delete comments I consider:
disrespectful, destructive, irrelevant or SPAM, (even sucking up: praising my post without reason while linking to a business site).


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