Sunday, December 10, 2017

There and back again: returning to Blogger from self-hosted WordPress?

Bilbo: Back again... [water colour by Kinko-White] beautifully conveys how I feel about coming home to this blog after my adventure in self-hosting elsewhere

Who cares?

I hope anyone else who lands here after pondering whether to switch from to Blogger comments below – so we can compare thoughts. Were you wondering how, or why? Are there as few articles about that journey now as there were when I searched--let alone any promise of ease in such a transition?

During my search for tips back in July 2017 I found that my experiences and rationale almost totally matched Jenn’s Wordpress—>Blogger transition story, even to the fact that Google assumed I really meant to ask about switching the other way. (Did hers happen in 2014, or was the post re-dated when she shifted it with her blog, Hello Brio over to Squarespace?)  Like Jenn, I want to tell you why ; and in case she decides to ditch that post, I will reflect on her suggestions.

Why I decided that the experiment with self-hosted Wordpress was over

--posting infrequency + not finding the right handle for a static portfolio = insufficient value for $$$
--under my name = wanting it to be perfect
--struggle to get it "just right" too time consuming
--needing to spend less time at the computer

Why I am switching [back] to Blogger from Wordpress (despite the p tag issue).

  1. Nostalgia.  I loved learning to blog here, and have fond memories of when some of my posts made a difference to people.
  2. I still have a hefty collection of posts here, which people are still reading.
  3. It is free.
  4. I think Blogger can do more now than it did then, but I do not need most of the extra functionality self-hosted Wordpress could do.
  5. moonflowerdragon.blogspot looks better on mobile than

moonflowerdragon_v_micameerbach on mobile screens

As Jenn suggested, I reconsidered my goals:

  • Return to one FREE online spot
    # no particular deadline, although the sooner it is done the sooner I can stop paying for the other domain, yet let’s give enough time to be sure it will work comfortably.
  • See whether I return to posting more frequently under the pseudonym
  • It was always about skills/professional development, and it still is, with a few new questions:
    • What would it take for a blogspot site to be a professional advantage rather than the opposite?
    • How much of that which I did at micameerbach will remain relevant if republished?
    • Are any of those posts that stayed so long in draft worth actually posting?

How I plan to switch from Wordpress back to Blogger = Slowly

Tracy Thomason over at 15 Minute Monday posted about exporting one’s files to move from Wordpress to Blogger.

However, I figured that as I would need to check each post for peculiarities anyway, I might as well consider each of the 111 posts (61 published, 49 drafts, 1 private) manually.

Those peculiarities?

  • both Jenn and Tracy mentioned that image URLs don’t transfer
  • inbound links would be broken
  • internal links would be broken
  • comments would have to be exported or mapped over

First: I made sure that the Internet Archive WaybackMachine is capturing micameerbach occasionally – some busy posting months were not captured at first, but the Internet Archive WaybackMachine lets us add.

Second: This post here, and a (semi)final post there

Third: Up to 111 iterations of:

  1. Pick a post, either the next highest viewed, or any post,
  2. Check whether its URL is cited anywhere else online.
  3. Read it,
  4. Consider: does it offer or demonstrate anything useful?

If it is worth transferring,

  1. in html view, copy and paste everything across to a new post here, but in Open Live Writer (unless Google decide to support p tags in their Blogger editor),
  2. append note about where I had originally posted it, perhaps hyperlink to archive version?
  3. reupload photos and basically re-link everything.
  4. retag & add tag Republished_from_micameerbach
  5. Do not try to anticipate whether formerly internal links will also be transferred, just relink to their WaybackMachineversion, and note them in a Google Doc for later checking
  6. At old post append note about and linking to republication
  7. At old post tag with Republished_at_Moonflowerdragon – let’s me track which ones I’ve done.
  8. If the URL was cited anywhere, contact citers to inform them of new post/archive to avoid broken link.

If it is not worth transferring,

  1. Check whether it is at WaybackMachine
  2. If similar topics/posts here, append at top – link to tag/post]
  3. Tag as Not_republishing
  4. If the URL was cited anywhere, contact citers to inform them of archive version.

For drafts, I could just copy & publish, but that would not help answer the learning questions above, so I could

  1. if publishing: tag it something like drafted@mm / published@MFD
  2. if not publishing, don’t delete but tag it notpublishing@MFD

Finally: Unless I give up earlier, when all 111 iterations are complete:

  1. Count the tags & maybe talk about what if anything I got out of the process
  2. Wind up that account
  3. Celebrate

Image Credit: The beautiful watercolour above is “Bilbo: Back again…” by Kinko-White who kindly gave me permission (via shuzzy) to use it here to symbolise my return home here after an adventure.

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1. You can use some HTML tags, such as <b>, <i>, <a>

2. Apparently blogspot requires that we allow third party cookies for the darn feature to work. Sorry, nothing I can do about it - Google will lead you to instructions.

3. I don't generally post on contentious issues so I don't expect problems.
However, I will delete comments I consider:
disrespectful, destructive, irrelevant or SPAM, (even sucking up: praising my post without reason while linking to a business site).


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