Part of my Wordpress→Blogger journey, this post copied 14 June 2021 in republication of my 13 July 2012 post at my experimental self-hosted Wordpress where it received 8 views and no comments.

Shall we call it play, experimentation, fiddling, tinkering...?
Going on past experiences, this won't be the first time I'm blogging late at night, beyond the time of clear thinking but desperate to get scattered thoughts *down*.
- love them hate them, but at times like these its the best I can do.
I want a responsive theme, but how can I add more persona
lity, life, colour to this one without losing simplicity?
"Online learning journal"
In the coming semester I will be taking INF206 "Social networking for information professionals" at Charles Sturt University. Will its content meet my need?
LIS Conference first-timer's experience
Blogging about preparing for a conference is not really new, yet I'm of a mind to synthesise my own preparations, questions and reflections. The process includes as much of setting a frame of mind as remembering maternal admonitions against negativity.
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1. You can use some HTML tags, such as <b>, <i>, <a>
2. Apparently blogspot requires that we allow third party cookies for the darn feature to work. Sorry, nothing I can do about it - Google will lead you to instructions.
3. I don't generally post on contentious issues so I don't expect problems.
However, I will delete comments I consider:
disrespectful, destructive, irrelevant or SPAM, (even sucking up: praising my post without reason while linking to a business site).