My First Female shape and outfit.
When I created an avatar (AV) a couple of years ago I got it stuck somewhere in Orientation Island and couldn't move her. Then I became diverted by other things in life... as one does.
Recently I returned to find my AV free of whatever had her stuck and I quickly graduated to Help Island and meeting some of the friendly and generous personalities within this virtual world.
It is difficult to study in Second Life... I had moved from a tutorial on inventory management to one on basic building when I met a delightful pink fox who gave me some dance animations, a tail and some light sabers before whisking me off to Freebie Heaven. I'm grateful I fit in the inventory management tutorials because all those Freebies need managing.
Next time I was attempting to learn something about scripting when I was met by a voluptuous brunette who was determined to make me over so I could make $L (Linden money) dancing or hostessing. It was a somewhat amusing and confusing experience. I felt determined myself: I really wanted to perceive this lady's gifts as generosity rather than grooming. Although quite upfront I mentioned that I had not been thinking about making money, and I doubted those occupations would suit shy old me, she suggested changes for my appearance, even gifting me with shapes, skins and short skirt, telling me she could hook me up with work. Very generous. Of course meanwhile, using Search, I scoped out the groups and picks listed in her profile - one advertised its dancing (my generous friend mentioned pole-dancing), hosting, 'escorting' jobs available and mentioned the bonus it pays AVs for recruiting.
How the dancer dressed me.
Perhaps a more adventurous soul would have pursued this lead to its conclusion - all in the name of knowledge and $L. I was slightly curious, but Second Life is a big world, and there are other places I would rather see and other things I would rather do first. And for much of it I do not yet need $L.
Somewhere along the line, probably via someone else's profile, Tranquil Events invited me to a show... I happened to catch MrMulti Writer, enjoyed the show, joined the group and met Starla Farella who specialises in making realistic avatars and photography. She took up the challenge for me and this is how I now appear (when dressed for ballroom dancing):
After dancing.
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