A cloud of words. Hm.
But google's top result (on: visual search engine) was KartOO.
I still love Pagebull (Google's second result).
Occasional glimpses into the playful learning of a librarian, data doodler, unschooler...
Helen, Graham and I played today: Helen & I tied at 184. I was disappointed early on that my old dictionary (our agreed reference) did not have "meme", cause I could have switched three words for 22 points.
• What is the difference between a friend and a member of a network?
Members are specific to a network while the concept of "friends" spans across Ning. It's possible to be friends with someone without being on the same network as them.
• Who can send me friend requests on Ning?
To protect your privacy, only people who have networks in common with you can send you friend requests.
?sporting? what the...? What is the number where logos go? a design number? maybe 741.6?
658 sounds like a management number... hmmm?... Opening the enticing green, chunky code manual DDC22... sure enough: Management of marketing / Sales promotion / Use of brands and trademarks.
"Provides a unique case study of the marketing achievements of a highly successful, all Australian business. Uses concise interviews, computer graphics, and attractive visual overlay, including excerpts from Rip Curl's own surfing films. Traces the evolution of the company's marketing images, and the important role played by Rip Curl's graphic design team."
A very proud gaming moment for me: becoming Supreme Chief of All Hospitals on "Theme Hospital"
"Print Screen" failed to grab a screenshot of this proud moment, so I had to play the end again to take a photo!
Leverage the power of a blog and an online audience — even if it’s just an audience of your friends and family — and become more productive.
Once you’ve committed to a goal on your blog, you should also use the blog to report your progress.
If you’re ever short of ideas, post a question to your readers, asking them for ideas.
Your life can be difficult because of your insecurities, but you should know that it isn't your fault. YOU didn't ask to be thrown in around thirty times per page in every bodice-ripper on the shelf! Those who overuse you can kiss your . . . you know. You need to learn to hold your head high and glory in your solitude. You really do have excellent, scholarly tastes. You must never forget that your friend, the period, will be there to support you at the end of every sentence where you truly belong, and, if what is left out is as important as what is said, why, then you are as vital as the alphabet!
Link: The Which Punctuation Mark Are You Test written by Gazda on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
"Big Blue Dress"
To locate a quote within a video I would use a time reference, eg:Back to original post with minor edits:
"No monkeys were harmed in the making of this film" (Booth, 2006, 3:36)
Apparently no monkeys were harmed in the making of Mike Spiff Booth's video Code Monkey (2006, 3:36).to list in the reference list:
The way Mike Spiff Booth shows it (Coulter & Booth, 2006) one is left uncertain whether Code Monkey gets the girl or just imagines he does "one day".with a reference:
According to Ol'Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy (2003, 0:47) "Avast" means 'stand and give attention'.Reference:
On our way to visit my sister in Colac, my oldest son "Cricket" said "Take a look at the sunset on Lake Colac Mum, you'll want to take a photo". I ended up taking a series ... I LOVE a digital camera!
Writing regularly:There's lots of other advice too: about being honest, open, yourself; learning from others; not obsessing; commenting; joining blogosphere; helping others.
It’s not easy writing everyday, let alone writing something interesting and insightful, but you need to try. Even if it’s just a thought or an idea you had, or a comment on someone else’s blog. You want to get into the habit of writing, so that in time you can slowly build up your output. Even if you don’t end up posting what you write make sure to save it. I often go through my old notes and find ideas that are worth revisiting.
I've been using Blogger's Dark dots template for everything *but* the dots, and I've finally had enough of the dots. And I spent so much time messing with the column widths to ensure they didn't split dots... no I truly have had enough.
Blogger's page elements makes changing templates easy, although I should probably pick one for certain before I go trying to hack things like the in-post bookmarklets.
I'd really like to make my own style, but I'm not sure I want to spend the time and frustration trying to find simple enough instructions.
we are by nature “heliotropic,” meaning that, “just as plants of many varieties exhibit a tendency to grow in the direction of sunlight (symbolized by the Greek god Helios),” there is a human tendency to “evolve in the direction of positive anticipatory images of the future”
Vaidhyanathan, S. (2003). Universities, RIAA, and academic freedom. Sivacracy.net: Siva Vaidhyanathan's weblog. Retrieved April 26, 2003, from http://www.nyu.edu/classes/siva /2003_04_23_blogarchive.html#200187673.which I would only alter so that the publication date is in full, periodical (blog) title appears in italics and the whole thing not end in a period (fullstop):
alan (Nov. 4, 2003). BlogWondering (what the heck is a blog?). BlogShop. Retrieved Nov. 22, 2004 from http://jade.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/blogshop/archives/000282.htmlIt has been a vexing question for me in preparing my TAFE assignments. I have been working on a variety of assumptions:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2000). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, xxx-xxx. Retrieved month day, year, from source.but provide the exact date on the publication (APA, 2001, p. 225; cel4145, 2003,), the title or subject line of the blog post as the article, the name of the blog as the periodical and as most blogs do not have volume or issue numbers xx, xxx-xxx would be omitted. Also, according to the examples (APA, 2001, pp 272-281) and instruction (APA, 2001, p. 231) the citation would, after the source being a URL, not end in a full-stop (period, dot).
Author, A. A. (2000). Title of work. Retrieved month day, year, from source.using subject line of the blog post for the title of the work, and giving name of the organisation (APA, 2001, p. 274) and section of their website in case the URL becomes irrelevant if the organisation restructures their website.
Unfortunately when I blog a photo from Flickr the description doesn't travel with it:
Cricket spotted this spider on the fridge. As it seemed clearly to not be a white tail I didn't kill it, but caught it and went looking for identification. I couldn't find its photo on the University of Queensland Find-A-Spider Guide, but then I was looking at medium-sized spiders because I measured it at 9mm rather than 8mm or less.
Thankfully the Melbourne Museum could identify it: "most likely the Painted Swift spider, Supunna picta. It is also known as the Swift Ground spider or the Spotted Ground Swift spider and is a member of the family Corinnidae (Sun Spiders)". They also linked me with the id page for the supunna picta.
I'm feeling very proud of myself because I've managed to add notes to this photo. (Identifying the anatomical areas involved in gender identification).
Having had so much trouble posting from elsewhere to my switched blog, I'm testing again from Flickr.
Lately I've been subscribed to the feed of PLCMC wiki of 23Thinging blogs, so I can take a peek at other peoples' 23 Things journeys. Pumpkin Pie & Willy Wonka mentioned searching Flickr for Tintin - I thought 'how interesting' and went to see what s/he had found.
What a clever, fun mural.
- There really isn't much point in an accent which is used on only one letter; why not spell the accented U (which comes from Belorussian) as W?
- There's no need to write the affricates as single letters. Replace C by TS; you can now spell SH as C and CH as TC.
- There's no harm in replacing J with the otherwise unused Y. This allows JH to lose its accent, and GH can now be more sanely spelt DJ.
- Assuming that HH is really necessary, the unused X (from the Cyrillic alphabet) can be used for it.
see any features or components of the site that might be interesting if they were applied to library websites?
[mind you, Firefox's tabbed browsing {yes, I know IE7 is reported to do it too now} means I can start with several tabs at once] Can you guess what I start with? (Or if you don't care and why would you?: what is/are your start page/s?)
talked about being loved for a day by love artist Kathy Izzo and what a difference it made to her day, knowing she was loved as she worked in a book shop
Before finally being allowed to switch, I couldn't get this 43Things entry to go to either the old blogger (because they no longer support it) or the new blogger (which I had created in case I was never to be permitted to switch). And the latter did not work even though 43Things said it did: