Sunday, April 08, 2007

In what direction am I growing?

Taking a LibraryByte before bed tonight has made me stop and think. Helene shared some quotes, the third of which was

"People grow in the direction of the questions they ask” — David Cooperrider, PhD

[She had tagged it from the What I learned today... blog where Nicole had spotted it in an email signature {I'd love to hear from anyone who claims that email signature}]

Anwering my desire to know more about the source, google suggested an article which has given me another reason to spend some thinking-time on this quote. While Bloom & Martin wrote of the value of Appreciative Inquiry in academic mentoring, their perspective reminded me of a piece of knowledge I hope I act upon in my parenting.

we are by nature “heliotropic,” meaning that, “just as plants of many varieties exhibit a tendency to grow in the direction of sunlight (symbolized by the Greek god Helios),” there is a human tendency to “evolve in the direction of positive anticipatory images of the future”

Did you wonder about my first reason to think on this quote? I'm curious what questions I'm asking myself and whether the directions I want to grow might be better served by re-designing my questions.

Tell me, what questions have you been asking yourself, and is that the direction you want to grow?

For the practice and fun of it:

Bloom, J. L. & Martin, N. A. (2002, August 29). Incorporating Appreciative Inquiry into Academic Advising. The Mentor. Retrieved April 8, 2007, from

Blowers, H. (2007, April 6). Quotables.
LibraryBytes. Retrieved April 8, 2007, from

Engard, N. (2007, January 4). Great Quote.
What I Learned Today. Retrieved April 8, 2007, from

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