
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Bless Blogger embracing p tags

When Open Live Writer stopped working for me I sulked in hiatus. While submitting my latest CPD I felt the faintest spark of blogging urge again. And then came the reminder that I'll be paying for that other blog again soon. 

So I googled doubtfully for a Google-Blogger <p>shaped miracle. 

-site:pinterest.* "blogspot" paragraphs

{Aside: Query for Google: can their algorithms be clued in to prioritise pages dated after June 2020 on  any search including Blogger or blogspot?}

Guess the contours of my curiosity when I spied in the results, dated June this year:

Google's NEW Blogger Interface does not ... MAKING A MARK

@Katherine Tyrrell, Thank You. Not only has Katherine been so persistent with Blogger that she was around to experience the new interface - she also didn't hold back in her critique and she courteously linked to the Official Blogger Blog's (apparently tardy) Announcement. Although neither specifically mentioned p tags and appropriately spacing paragraphs, I cautiously began to hope.

Hope waxed and waned : 

Yay every ENTER a paragraph,
Oh No how do I get it to stop?,
meh Okay that's how to switch to html,
what's with the blank lines?,
oh great I can copy across the kwout,
OMG why does it keep re-inserting </area> inside the <map> every time I switch back to html-edit? Seriously, I have to go back to html to insert a <hr>? (Good grief!),
.....[eventually]... right well okay that wasn't a really bad nightmare,

So let's post how excited I am about the <p>-respect,

OMG why is it not now doing the paragraph thing?
Oh I have to switch that there from Normal to Paragraph...
every time? Why?
[and later] but not anymore?
WTF is going on?

And now hours have slipped away!

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1. You can use some HTML tags, such as <b>, <i>, <a>

2. Apparently blogspot requires that we allow third party cookies for the darn feature to work. Sorry, nothing I can do about it - Google will lead you to instructions.

3. I don't generally post on contentious issues so I don't expect problems.
However, I will delete comments I consider:
disrespectful, destructive, irrelevant or SPAM, (even sucking up: praising my post without reason while linking to a business site).